Professional Learning Facilitator
Coaches are responsible for planning, implementing, and assessing the effectiveness of professional learning initiatives aimed at equipping educators and leaders with the necessary skills to utilize technology to enhance teaching and learning outcomes.
Voxer. Educators utilize an app that transforms their phones into walkie-talkies, facilitating real-time conversations and resource sharing within their Professional Learning Networks (PLN) through voice, text, video, and photo messaging, both live and recorded. https://www.voxer.com/ Google Hangouts. Educators can utilize this free messaging tool for group text chats, voice calls, and video conferencing, allowing them to conduct one-on-one and group peer tutorials or simply provide moral support to their colleagues in education. https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2023/04/new-community-features-for-google-chat-and-an-update-currents%20.html Doodle. Doodle serves as an effective initial tool for scheduling Google Hangouts by enabling the organizer to invite all participants with various date and time options. This facilitates the process of determining a suitable time for everyone and subsequently arranging the Hangout. https://doodle.com/en/ Lino. This allows users to create boards on various topics, invite members of their Professional Learning Network (PLN), and engage in conversations by sharing ideas, articles, and files. Accessible via both computer and smartphone, it facilitates convenient sharing at any time. https://en.linoit.com/ Book Club. The Book Club by Book Movement app is designed to organize meeting details, select books, such as professional resources, anonymously vote on suggestions, and confirm attendance for gatherings. Additionally, users can explore other clubs’ reading lists and reviews. https://bookmovement.com/bookclubapp/ Touchcast TeamTime. It offers a variety of collaborative tools, including a digital whiteboard for team interactions, the ability to share files and presentations in real time, and options to integrate multimedia content. Users can also choose to live stream sessions for their Professional Learning Network (PLN) or record and archive discussions for future reference. This platform is ideal for fostering meaningful connections and sharing best practices within professional networks. https://touchcast.com/teamtime Classroom 2.0. This social network caters to educators interested in exploring Web 2.0, social media, and participative technologies within the classroom setting. It provides access to video presentations by educational leaders, online events, and numerous discussion forums covering a wide range of topics. Members can join specific groups, facilitating opportunities for both new and experienced educators to connect and enhance their professional growth. http://www.classroom20.com/ EdWeb.net. EdWeb serves as a platform for educators, associations, legislators, community leaders, and education companies to enhance collaboration in the education sector by overcoming traditional communication barriers. The platform features various tools, including blogs, discussions, file sharing, shared calendars, wikis, live chats, messaging, and polling. https://home.edweb.net/about-edweb/ The Teaching Channel. The Teaching Channel provides free video resources aimed at enhancing teachers' classroom practices, enabling educators to learn from and giving feedback to their peers. It serves as a platform for sharing lesson ideas and strategies across various subjects and grade levels. Additionally, the site includes an online Q&A forum that facilitates communication among teachers globally. https://www.commonsense.org/education/reviews/teaching-channel Skype. Skype allows users to utilize their Internet connection for calling, chatting, or video conferencing with individuals globally. This capability may inspire educators to explore the potential of connecting students with distant classrooms or experts during summer discussions. https://www.skype.com/en/
Link to: Digital Defenders: Creating a Cyber-Safe Learning Environment Professional Development Proposal